Tensorflow Model Wrapping

The ML Wrappers library provides support for wrapping Tensorflow models to conform to the required specifications for model explanations. This is achieved through the WrappedTensorflowModel class and the is_sequential function.


The WrappedTensorflowModel class is used to wrap a Tensorflow model. This class is initialized with the model to be wrapped. It provides the predict method for making predictions using the wrapped Tensorflow model.

class WrappedTensorflowModel(object):
    def __init__(self, model):
        self._model = model

    def predict(self, dataset):
        if isinstance(dataset, pd.DataFrame):
            dataset = dataset.values
        return self._model.predict(dataset)


The is_sequential function checks if a given model is a sequential model. It returns True if the model is a sequential model and False otherwise.

def is_sequential(model):
    return str(type(model)).endswith("keras.engine.sequential.Sequential'>")

Tensorflow Model Initializer

The Tensorflow Model Initializer is a class that initializes a Tensorflow model and wraps it using the WrappedTensorflowModel class. It also validates the wrapped Tensorflow model.

class TensorflowModelInitializer():
    def __init__(self, model_initializer, model_task):
        self._model_initializer = model_initializer
        self._model_task = model_task

    def __call__(self, X_train, y_train):
        fitted_model = self._model_initializer(X_train, y_train)
        wrapped_tf_model = WrappedTensorflowModel(fitted_model)
        validate_wrapped_tf_model(wrapped_tf_model, X_train, self._model_task)
        return wrapped_tf_model

The wrapped_tensorflow_model_initializer function returns an instance of the TensorflowModelInitializer class.

def wrapped_tensorflow_model_initializer(model_initializer, model_task):
    return TensorflowModelInitializer(model_initializer, model_task)

Supported Frameworks

The ML Wrappers library supports a variety of machine learning frameworks. For Tensorflow models, the library can wrap the model in a model wrapper if the user specifies whether the model is a classifier or regressor in case only a single column is output. If the user specifies the model is a regressor, the structure can be fixed to be 2D.


The library can directly support the most popular machine learning frameworks. However, support can be extended to other frameworks with the model wrapper concept.