Dataset Wrapping

The DatasetWrapper class in the ml_wrappers package provides a uniform interface for handling datasets across different explainers. It supports various data types including numpy arrays, pandas DataFrame, pandas Series, scipy sparse matrices, shap.DenseData, torch.Tensor, and

from ml_wrappers.dataset import DatasetWrapper

# Initialize the dataset wrapper
wrapper = DatasetWrapper(dataset)

Here, dataset is a matrix of feature vector examples (# examples x # features) for initializing the explainer.

The DatasetWrapper class also provides methods for operations such as summarizing data, taking the subset or sampling. It also provides an option to clear all references after use in explainers for memory optimization.

# Initialize the dataset wrapper with clear_references option
wrapper = DatasetWrapper(dataset, clear_references=True)

The DatasetWrapper class also provides a method for sampling examples from the dataset. If the number of rows in the dataset is less than a lower bound, it returns the full dataset. If the number of rows is more than an upper bound, it samples randomly. It also provides an option to resample based on the optimal number of clusters.

# Sample examples from the dataset
sampled_dataset = wrapper.sample_examples()

The DatasetWrapper class also provides a method to clear all references for memory optimization.

# Clear all references

The DatasetWrapper class is part of the ml_wrappers.dataset module, which also includes the CustomTimestampFeaturizer class for timestamp featurization.

from ml_wrappers.dataset import CustomTimestampFeaturizer

# Initialize the timestamp featurizer
featurizer = CustomTimestampFeaturizer()